Full range of outsourcing services for various business spheres. Organization of business processes and productivity increase. Assistance in business development and cost optimization.


Call Center services. Outsourcing telephone sales and customer service calls for a variety of business spheres anywhere in the world


High quality and timely servicing and installation of any complexity and urgency.


Full range of janitorial service and maintenance of office and industrial buildings, optimization of costs associated with the administrative and business activities.


High quality and cost effective IT outsourcing services, IT effectiveness upgrade and costs optimization. 

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Package offers

Sales agents are now at your service seven days a week without any breaks!

Package offer helps you quickly create an effective channel of active sales. It's developed according to the needs of small and medium sized businesses. Thanks to its low price, our package offer is a great opportunity to start your great success.

More details on its benefits can be found on page Sales agents 7 days a week without any breaks

The most convenient call-centre for each and every business area

Thanks to our package offer you can get a professional call center for the price of 2 unlimited packs of mobile operators at your disposal. Our professional operators efficiently serve your customers on your behalf. Not a single call from your customers will be skipped with multi-channel number.

Take a step towards  increasing your sales! Find more details on page The most convenient call-centre for each and every business area.

Team of cleaning Specialists is at your service!

Package offer will allow you to ensure the cleanliness and efficiency of your office with no undue expenses or additional documents."One-touch" management: one call, one Act.
Package offer is developed according to the needs of office tenants as well as commercial property owners.

Detailed information about the package benefits can be found on page Find more details on page Team of cleaning specialists is at your service!.

Members of Forum Call Center 2012 in Poland. WinTRADE representatives: Dmytro...
Members of Forum Call Center 2012 in Poland. WinTRADE representatives: Dmytro Lytvyn and Kostiantyn Yakovchuk-Besarab
WinTRADE representatives at Outsourcing Forum 2013 Kostyantyn Yakovchuk-Besarab...
WinTRADE representatives at Outsourcing Forum 2013 Kostyantyn Yakovchuk-Besarab and Alina Kompanets
WinTRADE representatives at Forum Call Center 2013 in Poland Tetiana Barakh...
WinTRADE representatives at Forum Call Center 2013 in Poland Tetiana Barakh and Kostiantyn Yakovchuk-Besarab
Wedding Wear Show at the Ethnic Clothing Festival "Ludyne-2012" sponsored by...
Wedding Wear Show at the Ethnic Clothing Festival "Ludyne-2012" sponsored by WinTrade Company
WinTRADE futsal team Captain Dmytro Lytvyn with "Prestige Cup" of 15th...
WinTRADE futsal team Captain Dmytro Lytvyn with "Prestige Cup" of 15th "Business League"
Total turnover share of market leaders in Ukrainian projects
Total turnover share of market leaders in Ukrainian projects
WinTRADE representatives at iForum 2013: (from left to right) Viktor...
WinTRADE representatives at iForum 2013: (from left to right) Viktor Dementiivskyi, Alina Kompanets, Yulia, Kostiantyn Iakovchuk-Besarab, Yulia Guzdup, Dana, Dmytro Lytvyn, Andrey Dayen
Futsal team "WinTRADE" at "Business League 2012-2013"
Futsal team "WinTRADE" at "Business League 2012-2013"
Members of the "Outsourcing: Effective Dialogue" workshop, organized by...
Members of the "Outsourcing: Effective Dialogue" workshop, organized by business newspaper "Capital" within the "Personal capitalization" project
Dmytro Lytvyn in Silicon Valley
Dmytro Lytvyn in Silicon Valley
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WinTRADE BPO Company

WinTRADE BPO is the first Ukrainian BPO company which provides business-process outsourcing services. WinTRADE BPO key business lines are call-centre outsourcing, service and installation activities, outsourcing administrative services and IT outsourcing services.
Company web site:

Contact Information
17a Dniprovska Naberezhna Str.
Kyiv, 02081, UA,
Phone numbers
+380 (50) 382-30-01,
+380 (67) 224-48-86,
© WinTRADE 2013
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Usage of information without prior authorization.