Performance of the WinTRADE team was distinguished by the National ranking of quality of goods and services and the company has won Star of Quality Award: for professionalism, reliability, excellence in business and consistently high-quality service.
"We always pay great attention to the quality of services provided by all areas of WinTRADE - whether it's call center services, administrative, economic, service, installation works or IT.
Attention to customers’ needs and development of tailored solutions for them, constant adherence to high quality standards, providing partners with the possibility of total control over the progress of work and transparency in the processes allows us to achieve the desired results.
We are very pleased that the high quality and efficiency of WinTRADE were distinguished not only by our customers but also a respected rating agency. This award is a good incentive for us for further improvement and increase, as WinTRADE never rests on its laurels.
I thank every employee of our great team for good work. Winning Star of Quality Award is the achievement of each, because only a harmonious teamwork allows us to achieve results, and recognition", - says Tatiana Barakh, Director of WinTRADE.
Star of Quality Rating is a transparent integrated system, which determines the leading companies on the basis of official data of the state statistical bodies of Ukraine.